Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Genesis 32 (Wrestling With God, Life Transformation - JACOB IS SET FREE!)

Commentary on Genesis 32:-


(Key words / phrases:- Times of troubles, God wrestles with His disciple, Intimacy with God, To be set free by God, Becoming dependent on God, God brings suffering)

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Amazing, how God uses broken, sinful people for His great and holy plans!

Learn from the commentary on Genesis 29 - 30:1-24 :-

Amazing how God uses broken, sinful people for His great and holy plans!

And, yes slowly, and slowly ... I am writing up the commentaries on Bible passages ...

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Do MIRACLES happen?!

In the Scriptures, we find a number of “miracles” reported, such as “Jesus rising from dead”, “Jesus turning water into wine”, etc. After reading about them one can wonder, if such miracles happen today?

Towards answering this question, let us first clarify the definition of the word “miracle”.
https://www.merriam-webster.com/ describes “miracle” as “an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affair”. Having mentioned that, I have also heard some describe “miracle” as an event that cannot be explained by “science”. I do not like this definition. This is because, “science” as of today has a very limited (even though enormous and very useful) understanding of the vast realities of life (whose depth and breadth seems to be infinite!). Hence it may not be possible to say if a reported “miracle” can or cannot be explained by “science”. I have also heard some say "miracle" (such as, "Jesus rising from dead") is an event that only a super-natural entity, such as God, can perform. I also do not like this definition. As, for example, in the future God may teach humanity how to raise dead back to life!

Anyways, talking of “miracles” …
I believe miracles are happening all the time around us. How come? Take the example of “my” existence. My body is made of cells. Cells are made of molecules. Molecules are made of atoms … If you keep subdividing constituents like this, you reach to the level of elementary particles. Now, what are elementary particles made up? What, I trying to say is that if you keep looking for constituents of constituents, then do you ever reach an end?! (Additional mysterious question is how everything holds up and works together?!) So, it all sounds miraculous that "I exist", right?!

I can use the same argument for any other being or entity around me (That is, all their existences seem miraculous)!

So, every entity or being that I see around me is a miracle?!

In that case, why can't a miracle such as "Jesus rising from dead" be possible too, even today?
Or, why does a miracle such as "someone rising from dead", sound more "miraculous" than, say, my or your current existence??

Finally, remember Colossians 1:17: “In Him (Jesus) all things hold together”!! (So, at the end of the day Jesus is needed to explain / sustain every entity or being - So, according to Scriptures too, every entity or being is a miracle!)

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

"True love, here it is ..."

Uploading of commentaries on the "Book Of Ephesians" is continued. Just added Ephesians 2:1-10:-

I am giving this passage the title: "True love, here it is ..."

Monday, June 18, 2018

On "Experiencing God"

A very common question is: how to “experience God”?!
I have a comment on that:-

Colossians 1:17 says “In Him all things hold together”.

Hence every breath you take, is by God’s grace, and hence an experience from God!

Hence every second, the earth survives is by God’s grace, and hence an experience from God!

Friday, June 1, 2018

On "How to Hear From God" / "Finding God's Will For One's Life"

There has always been a lot of sensation attached to the topic of "How To Hear From God". Lot of money is being made by writing books on this topic. Often false teachers deceive people (for the sake of money, building fan following, etc) with misleading ideas on this "sensational" topic.

Having said there, there is also no denying that when you read Scriptures, the question of “How To Hear From God” does naturally arise. Especially, when you read verses such as John 10:27 (“My sheep listen to my voice”).

So, all these facts do make it important for Christians to have a good basic understanding of what should we expect from God, in terms of “hearing from Him”. In this document, I make an attempt in that direction.

The first question I am taking up is "How easy or hard is it to connect with God and hear from Him whatever He has to say to you?".

From the Scriptures / Bible, it should be very easy. Why? Because Jesus, by far, did the hardest part, in this regard, - suffered immensely and died on cross, so that we can have a direct and deeply intimate relationship with God! After that also now, God lives in Christians (1 Corinthians 3:16). Also, know that God is the one who is pursuing you for a direct and deeply intimate relationship (i.e., Revelation 3:20, etc). He is the one who wants to be at the center of your life. He is the one who wants to be the Lord of your life.  Isaiah 58:11 says "The Lord will guide you continually”. And also, He is the one who is calling you to partner with Him (Matthew 9:37-38), deeply and intimately, as He is executing His plan of redemption for this world (Matthew 9:37-37, etc). So, given all these facts, God is the one who is wanting to make it known to you, whatever He wants you to know from Him, very easily and very readily.

Also, know that God won't tell you everything you want to know. For example, He did not tell any person, when Jesus is coming back for the second time. He has given us the Scriptures and mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16) to help make God honoring decisions everyday. Also a lot of life is about walking by faith, not sight, trusting Him in all His ways. So, yes I do not believe He is going to explicitly tell you about each and every step you need to take everyday, as some misinterpret from John 10:27 (“My sheep listen to my voice”).

Scriptures do suggest a good way to sense what is God's current message to people, via John 5:19-20:-
"Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.  For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. ...". Likewise, we cannot do anything by ourselves, if Jesus couldn't! Likewise, Father loves the Church, and shows the Church what He is doing, so that the Church can partner with Father in his redeeming works on earth. So try to sense, what God is doing around you, in this world, and what God is showing to the Church. One guiding principle to help discern that, is the mission of the Church - The Great Commission - Matthew 28:16-20 ("go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you ... "). Whatever you believe is God directing you to do has to line up with this mission that God gave to the Church, in these last days! 

Also, on our part, we can definitely place ourselves in better positions by pursuing Christ-likeness. When we are living like that we will find ourselves in God's will, more and more. Verses such as John 15:4-5 ("Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."), John 14:23, etc indicate that. On the other had when we are walking in sin, we are trying to run away from God, hence missing out on what He has for us, and also attracting trouble.

Finally, we should be proactively seeking and doing God's will, always. We should not be lazy (Revelation 3:15-16) or even spend all our times trying to figure out what is God's will. Jesus said "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few" (Matthew 9:35-38). The needs of this world are great and overwhelming, and God is continuously at work (John 5:17) to redeem the world, and He is looking for co-laborers all the time. So do not waste time, but jump in and "do something" (with the right heart). Scriptures do convey that we should live with a sense of urgency (as we live out the Great Commission) in these end times.

Some illustrations from Scriptures:-

  • Jesus
    • He prayed all night before choosing the twelve apostles ("One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles:" - Luke 6:12-15)
  • Joseph ...
    • Did not know when he was coming out of prison ...
  • Moses
  • Quoting from the Exodus 3, commentary on "From the story of Moses, so far, what all do you learn towards “finding God’s plan for your life?" - "From Exodus 2:11-14 - God may have given Moses, the desire to lead Israelites out of bondage into freedom, quite early on (Remember Joseph had dreams pertaining to his future rulership - Genesis 37:5-9). But, Moses did not know for 80 years, precisely what God had made him for!! (Talking of finding God's plan for one's life ...)

    Moses waited for 80 LONG years, till he embarked into what God made him for. But the 80 years were not futile either! God was using them to prepare Moses. For the first 40 years, God led him to live as a prince in Pharaoh's palace. While other people of God were still in hard slavery, God put Moses in a palace for 40 years. Why? Is it because God loved Moses more than other people of God in slavery? No! During these 40 years in royal care Moses may have been equipped very well to be a great leader, as expected from a prince. Then the following 40 years God may have moulded his inner character so that he could become a responsible and robust leader. That is time probably he became the meekest man on earth.

    Charles Spurgeon said in the first 40 years, Moses learnt to be a ruler and in the following 40 years he learnt to be a Shepard of God's people! Chuck Smith said "Now no doubt Moses" experiences there in the wilderness were going to be necessary experiences. Number one, while he was there he was learning the lay of the land. As he was out there as a shepherd following the flocks through the Sinai desert and around Mount Horeb, he became very well acquainted with the area. He knew where all of the wells were. He began to know a little bit about the weather conditions. Really beginning to get a lot of good, practical savvy on survival in the wilderness. These things were all to be helpful for him in the big project that God had for him in leading the children of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land. So he was out there now learning in the school of experience, wilderness or desert survival which would prove to be very handy later.""
  • Abraham ...
  • Jacob ...
  • Apostle Paul 

    • Note how Apostle Paul was raised. Acts 22:3 "I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city (Jerusalem). I studied under Gamaliel and was thoroughly trained in the law of our ancestors". Gamaliel was a "Pharisee in the council ... a teacher of the law held in honor by all the people" (Acts 5:34). I can see God had him "thoroughly trained in the law of our ancestors", as God would use him latter to write the utterly profound (especially "expounding on the critical matters of Christian doctrine" - in the words of David Limbaugh) thirteen epistles of the New Testament. It is very clear from these epistles that the author had to be very well versed with the Old Testament laws / doctrine / covenant, which Paul was by training. 
    • God also used Paul's Roman citizenship - David Limbaugh:- “He was a Roman citizen, which entitled him to legal protections unavailable to non citizens and which, in some cases, facilitated his presentation of the message (Gospel).” 
    • David Limbaugh continues - “Paul was fluent in the Greek language and Greek culture and learned in Greek literature, which enabled him to relate to the Greeks (gentiles) on their level.”. Remember, Paul took the Gospel to many Greek speaking gentiles (Acts 9:15).
    • So Apostle Paul is another great example where one can see how one's "early life preparations", by God, can point to one's future callings / roles.
  • ...

MISC Practical Tips

  • Study how in general, in the secular world, people make “wise" decisions. ("wise" because to live by God's is to live wisely, as attested by Deuteronomy 4:6:- "Keep them and do them, for that will be your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples, who, when they hear all these statutes, will say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.". Then ask how those principles, from the secular world, are altered in the context of Christianity. Learn how to make wise decision in life - Grow in that - keep growing that for the rest of your life - It is part of the life long sanctification process.
  • Learn from history / past and other people (yes, ask around) as well. Learn from how Christian leaders in history made the key decisions of their lives. Be wary of false accounts though.
  • Connect the dots in your past. Is there anything you can learn from Moses’s life (see above under "Some illustrations from Scripture: Moses, Apostle Paul") for your own life?
  • Heed to open doors - pray and seek if God is calling you to any of those.
  • Some ways to test if you are going in the right direction:-
    • ...

(... Under Construction ...)

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Your "New, Indestructible, Ultra-Rich Identity and Privileges" AND curse attached with competing identities in this world

I just started writing commentary on the Book of Ephesians.

I am starting with Ephesians 1:1-14 :- https://sites.google.com/site/biblechaptercommentaries/ephesians-1-1-14 (UNDER CONSTRUCTION), to which I am giving the title of "Your New, Indestructible, Ultra-Rich Identity and Privileges"

Sunday, March 18, 2018

A New Song:- "Turn On The Jesus Light!!!"

Song on youtube (audio only)

Downloadable MP3

Jesus said "He is the light of the world" (John 8:12). The kind of light that trumps all evil and darkness.


In dark times, I turn on the Jesus light …

And I see I am not alone, I am not forsaken, but I am safe in his hands
(Background: He is the light of the world, those who follow him shall not walk in darkness)

In dark times, I turn on the Jesus light …

Yea, turn on the Jesus light, turn on the Jesus light, turn on the Jesus light
(Background: In dark times, I turn on the Jesus light)

And I sing ...
I don’t have worries as I have Jesus, I don’t have fear as I have Jesus
(Background: In dark times, I turn on the Jesus light)

I don’t have worries as I have Jesus, I don’t have fear as I have Jesus (x2)
(Background: He is the light of the world x2)

Silver and Gold I do not have …
(Background: Jeesuusss)
But I have Jesus

(Background: In dark times, I turn on the Jesus light)

He is the light of the world, those who follow him shall not walk in darkness

Yes, I was lost … I was blind … till i turned on the Jesus light …  
(Background: In dark times, I turn on the Jesus light)

and now i see I see i am no longer lost …
I see THE WAY … I found the WAY … Jesus is the WAY

He is the light of the world, those who follow him shall not walk in darkness

So, Turn it ON ...
Turn on the Jesus light,
Turn on the Jesus light,
(Background: In dark times, I turn on the Jesus light)
Turn on the Jesus light

Yes, turn on Jesus Light and you will see treasures of heaven …
the world will look different …
people will look different …
(Background: In dark times, I turn on the Jesus light)

you will find many answers .. you will find truth ...
(Background: He is the light of the world)

you will see a good God at work in this broken sinful world
(Background: Those who follow Him, shall not walk in darkness)

So, Turn it ON
turn on the Jesus light, turn on the Jesus light,
(Background: In dark times, I turn on the Jesus light)
turn on the Jesus light
(Background: He is the light of the world)
Those who follow Him, shall not walk in darkness

You will see weak become strong, mountains move,
lame run, blind see, storms calm, lions bow, dry bones come alive, …
when you turn it on … when you turn on the Jesus light …
Yea, Turn on the Jesus light

He is the light of the world, those who follow him shall not walk in darkness

He is truth you have been seeking … He is the love that you have been wanting …
He is the joy that you have been longing for …
He is the peace that you have been missing … So turn it on ...
Turn on the Jesus Light and see for yourself …

He is the light of the world, those who follow him shall not walk in darkness

Do you have darkness in your life? Do you see darkness around you?
Do you see darkness anywhere? Then turn on the Jesus Light …
For, He is the light of the world … the light that never fades …
the one and only one …  that trumps every kind of darkness & evil …
the light that brings forth unending love, joy, peace, life in abundance …

Friday, March 2, 2018

If Apostle Paul was so close to God, why did he suffer so much? If he served God less, would he have suffered less???

Quoting from http://devos20xx.blogspot.com/2017/01/on-suffering.html
"Super-Apostle Paul (who God used mightily) has passages in Scriptures dedicated to how he endured great sufferings ..."

I was like, "if Apostle Paul had served God less, would he have suffered less???".

Anyways, I just meant to bring up a previous write-up http://devos20xx.blogspot.com/2017/01/on-suffering.html "On Suffering".