In the Scriptures, we find a number of “miracles” reported, such as “Jesus rising from dead”, “Jesus turning water into wine”, etc. After reading about them one can wonder, if such miracles happen today?
Towards answering this question, let us first clarify the definition of the word “miracle”. describes “miracle” as “an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affair”. Having mentioned that, I have also heard some describe “miracle” as an event that cannot be explained by “science”. I do not like this definition. This is because, “science” as of today has a very limited (even though enormous and very useful) understanding of the vast realities of life (whose depth and breadth seems to be infinite!). Hence it may not be possible to say if a reported “miracle” can or cannot be explained by “science”. I have also heard some say "miracle" (such as, "Jesus rising from dead") is an event that only a super-natural entity, such as God, can perform. I also do not like this definition. As, for example, in the future God may teach humanity how to raise dead back to life!
Anyways, talking of “miracles” …
I believe miracles are happening all the time around us. How come? Take the example of “my” existence. My body is made of cells. Cells are made of molecules. Molecules are made of atoms … If you keep subdividing constituents like this, you reach to the level of elementary particles. Now, what are elementary particles made up? What, I trying to say is that if you keep looking for constituents of constituents, then do you ever reach an end?! (Additional mysterious question is how everything holds up and works together?!) So, it all sounds miraculous that "I exist", right?!
I can use the same argument for any other being or entity around me (That is, all their existences seem miraculous)!
So, every entity or being that I see around me is a miracle?!
So, every entity or being that I see around me is a miracle?!
In that case, why can't a miracle such as "Jesus rising from dead" be possible too, even today?
Or, why does a miracle such as "someone rising from dead", sound more "miraculous" than, say, my or your current existence??
Finally, remember Colossians 1:17: “In Him (Jesus) all things hold together”!! (So, at the end of the day Jesus is needed to explain / sustain every entity or being - So, according to Scriptures too, every entity or being is a miracle!)