How far would God (King of the Universe) go to love you?
This is a VERY IMPORTANT question!
You have heard that the love of God is deeper than the oceans and higher than the mountains. But, what do these mean, in a given day, for you and me?
There is a lot that can be said in this subject. One mind-blowing fact is that, God (the King of the Universe) is very willing to get hurt (A LOT) in His love for you or me. Think about it - How much are you willing to get hurt for others? Nobody likes to get hurt. And, for others? Jesus let others spit on him, torture him ((Isaiah 52:14: His “appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any human being and his form marred beyond human likeness”), publicly humiliate/mock him (i.e., Isaiah 53:3: "He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not"). He was hung up on cross, nailed, for about SIX hours. He took upon Himself the immense punishments of my dirty sins.
And, He let all these immense hurts and sufferings happen to Him, because He loves you and me SO MUCH. This should give one some idea of what it means when people say “God’s love is deeper than oceans and higher than mountains”.
Romans 8:32 ("He who did not spare His own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?") also gives a very good idea of how deep and great is God's love and care for you and me.
Two more related passages:-
Romans 5:6-8 : “For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person — though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die — but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
John 15:13 : “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”
Talking of dying for ungodly, to the very people who tortured and crucified Him, Jesus prayed for them (Luke 23:34) and blessed them with the offer to spend eternity with Him in heaven (Luke 6:28). This is how much God loves people. In the Book of Hosea we see God asks prophet Hosea to marry adulterous Gomar (Hosea 1:2). After the marriage Gomar left Hosea for adultery (Hosea 3:1) but God still asked Hosea to win her back. This was to show that God remains faithful, even when people can be extremely unfaithful. This is God's crazy love for people!
As of today, Jesus continues to pray for His children earnestly (Romans 8:34, Luke 22:32). How much do I pray for others? Also God is waiting with great anticipation for every person to come to Him, as indicated in the parable Luke 15:11-32. Luke 15:20 indicates "the great anticipated wait of the father" as the father was able to see his son coming from very far away! And, when a person come to God and restores his relationship with God, God throws a huge party (Luke 15:22-24, Luke 15:7)!
Also, God cares about us so much that He even keeps the count of my and your hairs (Luke 12:7)!! Wow, such a "detailed"/deep love - He even cares about the minute details of my life. I am definitely not lost in the sea of His creations or the vastness of the universes. Talking of details, it is obvious from the study of physics/chemistry/biology that God created us (and other entities) with such a great detail and care. So, won't He continue to care A LOT for me and you?
Overall, God cares about me more than me and anyone else! God goes way further than anyone else, has/can/will, to love you.
(partly inspired from various sources)